For more information about this benchmark test, visit Test results should be used only to compare one product with another and are not a guarantee you will experience the same battery life. *Based on testing using the Mobile Mark 2012 battery life benchmark test. Offers and rewards subject to change without notice, not combinable with all other offers. Not valid for resellers and/or online auctions. Expedited Delivery not available on certain TVs, monitors, batteries and adapters, and is available in Continental (except Alaska) U.S. Outlet purchases do not qualify for rewards.

Total rewards earned may not exceed $2,000 within a 3-month period. Up to 3% rewards when you spend $800 in a 12-month period on all other purchases. $50 bonus rewards typically issued within 30 business days after DPA open date. Earn 3% rewards on DPA purchases. $50 in bonus rewards for Dell Rewards Members who open a new Dell Preferred Account (DPA) on or after July 31, 2021. Check My Account for your most up-to-date reward balance. “Current rewards balance” amount may not reflect the most recent transactions. Rewards expire in 90 days (except where prohibited by law). * Rewards are issued to your online Dell Rewards Account (available via your My Account) typically within 30 business days after your order’s ship date. Some features are not available on all products. *Dell’s ultimate support: Based on internal analysis April 2017. Celeron, Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Atom, Intel Core, Intel Inside, the Intel Inside logo, Intel vPro, Intel Evo, Intel Optane, Intel Xeon Phi, Iris, Itanium, MAX, Pentium, and Xeon are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries.